Find Your Roar

I always find this full moon strangely placed in the moon cycle. The Leo moon is all about coming out of the shadows, finding your roar and shining bright, but it comes in January/February when the earth is still hard and cold and only the first brave few flowers are blooming.

It seems too early this year to be blazing forward and I am getting a strong feeling to hold back, don't do anything rash, and allow the transition from winter to spring happen gradually.

On 17th February, we are also entering the first Mercury Retrograde of the year so this is a warning to sign and complete any projects, contracts or agreements before then. Mercury, the planet of Communication goes backwards in the sky, disrupting communications, electronics and travel arrangements.

This is a period of reflection, evaluation and assessment, and a good time to take a pause from creating anything new and making sure you are on the right track, and on top of all your projects and work.

It is advised not to start any new projects, or sign and make any new agreements or contracts until Mercury goes forward on 10th March. Very often things can turn out badly if agreed during a Mercury retrograde.


To help you navigate this Mercury retrograde and Leo full moon ensure you are using your discernment. We may well hear a lot of lies, deceits and untruths being spoken over this period, as the Leo full moon can influence people to overexaggerate, distort and falsify the truth to get what they want.

The Leo full moon can spark strange behaviours so you may also find loved ones, your boss, or line manager acting a bit weird and egotistical. We may also see a lot of posturing and chest beating, during this period, from a number of our world leaders who want to prove their dominance and power.

This full moon also has a tendency to urge us to roar load and proud about who we are, without shame or embarrassment. Philip Schofield coming out as gay in the UK this week is the perfect example of how a Leo full moon can inspire us to speak our truth.


However, be aware that that there is a right time and place to speak our truth so think before speaking, or you could find that your words offend or upset others over this moon, especially if you are feeling emotionally charged. It's best to wait until you are no longer affected by the situation to speak your mind.

This Leo full moon also helps us feel more courageous, urging us to go beyond our comfort zone. Use the full moon energy to spur you to do something daring this week. When we go beyond our comfort zones our perspectives change. We are able to see more opportunities opening up, and life becomes a lot more exciting and adventurous.

The Leo full moon reminds us that nothing is impossible, and the more you believe in yourself, the more you can achieve.

Use this moon to go for your dreams, and let the energy of this powerful full moon give you the courage and the belief to make it happen.


Flowing Upstream


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